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Global warming and littering have harmed and are harming animals all around the world. Did you know that almost 1 million animals die from plastic in the ocean?

5 trillion

Pieces of Plastic in the Ocean


Animals Dead Because of Plastic in the Ocean

3 billion

Humans Affected by Marine Pollution


Earth Left

the Ocean Faces

Did you know that in 2050, there might be more plastic than fish in the ocean? Earth has faced many problems, but none as serious as marine pollution and global warming. Find out more about these problems by clicking the button below. 

Environment Pollution

Donate to Save

Many organizations try to help the ocean. Some organizations try to help decrease marine pollution by picking up litter near coastal areas. Others try to prevent global warming by warning others about its effects. There are many other organizations that want to help, but they do not have enough funds. You can help them by donating. 


Do you want to help change the world? Your contributions, big or small, matter a lot. 

Who I Am?

Learn more about the creator of this website by clicking the button below. 


We have many interactive games including riddles, puzzles and a lot more. The button below will take you there.

Volunteers Collecting Trash on Beach
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