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Here are some funny ocean-related jokes:


1) Why is global warming a joke?


Answer: Even the Antarctic ice sheets are cracking up.


2)Why does the climate want privacy?


Answer: It is changing.


3) Mars and Earth are playing that old game of “Find the thimble.”
Earth leaves the room while Mars hides the thimble.
After a minute, Mars says, “Ok come back in.”
Earth takes just 2 steps in when Mars yells out, “You’re getting warmer!”


4) One iceberg says to another, "Why are you breaking up with me?"

The other iceberg says, "Sorry, it's global warming."


5)What do you say to your best friend whom you have had a fight with?


Answer: Talk about global warming, it is an icebreaker.


6)Why don't clams give to charity?


Answer: Because they are shellfish.


7) Why are there fish at the bottom of the sea?


Answer: Because they dropped out of school.


8) What does a dolphin say when he is confused?


Answer: Can you please be more Pacific?


9) What does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?


Answer: Because they spend most of their years at C. 


10) What do you call a witch who lives near the beach?


Answer: A sandwich. 


11) What does seaweed say when stuck at the bottom of the sea?


Answer: "Kelp!, Kelp!"


12) Why did the fisherman start doing drugs?


Answer: Pier pressure


13) What did the lobsterman say when his crate turned up empty?


Answer: It a-piers we have a problem. 




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