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1) I start with a "g", and end with a "g". A word used to describe me would be the opposite of another word which starts with a "g". What am I?


Answer: Global warming. A word used to describe it would be bad. The opposite of bad is good, which starts with a "g". 


2) I am surrounded by water, but I am not living.

When you see me, you think of deserts.

What am I?


Answer: Sand. Sand is near the ocean and is also in deserts. 


3) I am found everywhere including the air, your body, underground, and even on land. Who am I?


Answer: Water.


4) I am found drifting in the ocean, though I am not alive. I am deadly and fatal to those who eat me. What am I?


Answer: Plastic


5) I am a 7-letter word. My first three letters make up a word, which is a very salty place. My last four letters make up a word that is similar to living. What am I?


Answer: Sealife


6) What touches every continent and is connected everywhere? (This is not air) 


Answer: The ocean


7) I am never in a river. But I am once in a lake, a sea, and an ocean. What am I?


Answer: The letter "a"


8) I am a 9-letter word. My first four letters make up a word, which is how people vote. My fifth and sixth letters together make the abbreviation of a state named Utah. My ninth letter is two times in nine. What am I?


Answer: Pollution


9) I am vital to life on Earth but too much of me is not good for Earth. What am I?


Answer: Carbon Dioxide


10) You buy me to drink, but never drink me. What am I?


Answer: Water Bottle


11) I have many arms and legs, but only one body. What am I?


Answer: A tree. The branches of trees are their arms. The trunk is like the body of the tree, and the legs of a tree are its roots. 


12) Ntedaofseriaot. See if you can unscramble this huge 13-letter word.


Answer: Deforestation


13) This is a five-letter word, which is near to the ocean and doesn't harm it. If you add the letter "l" between the first and second letter of this five-letter word, you get a six-letter word. This new word is something that really harms the ocean. What is this five-letter word?


Answer: Beach


Here are some riddles. See if you can solve them.

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